Support & HELP

So that we can help you quickly with your request, please select the appropriate sub-item and fill out the form.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please fill out the following contact form to receive a personalized quote:

Please describe us briefly your offer request or name us the required products for your offer:

solar configurator

Please fill out the following contact form to get more information about your technical question:

Please register your return via the following page: Register return
Information about the right of withdrawal can be found under: right of withdrawal

Please fill out the following contact form if you have a question about an existing order.

Please fill out the following contact form if a product or component of your order is missing or has not been delivered.

Drop your file here or click here to upload

Dear customer, your satisfaction is very important to us.

Even if sometimes something can break or does not work properly, we will of course gladly and fully support you.

Since our suppliers and the manufacturers also have specifications on how complaints are to be handled, we have to submit the cases as precisely as possible or clarify them in advance for further approval.

For this purpose, your assistance is indispensable for a comprehensive description of the error and situation.

Therefore, we can only accept complaints via our form to ensure that the necessary data for a complaint is available and can be entered.

Thank you for your understanding and trust in us.

(If nothing is selected, it means no).
Drop your file here or click here to upload
(Beschädigungen, Typenschild, Verkabelung, Screenshots, Installationsnachweise)

You need more help?

+43 (0) 720 710 920
Mon-Fri: 08:00 am – 07:00 pm